About Me

My name is Rana but my certificate, passport and national ID name is Munshi Md Rana. I am a service man, freelancer, photographer & Designer. As well as a freelance blog journalist. I am also a contributing writer for Technocratic & Blog critics. I have been blogging for over a year now, and sometimes I look back and wounder why I started. I think it came down to a want to share my thoughts with other people. I could simply sit down, write about my day or what ever I wanted to really, and people could read it & comment.

But after I was able to truly pursue my love of photography & cinematography I started posting my projects on my blog, You-tube, Facebook, etc. I also started becoming more involved with the news industry. I started to write about things, that interested me and with any luck my readers.

Now I think I can honestly say I blog because I can share my work with others, it creates an outlet to just let my thoughts flow. Also with any luck I could build a small fan base. I wouldn’t mind becoming discovered by some talent agent, but I’m not holding my breath.

Well that’s basically all their is to say.

Thanks for visiting my site!


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